Due to the inflation I will have to raise my prices slightly, starting January 1th.
The first consultation costs 86 euro and takes about 45 – 60 minutes. Starting January 1th this will be 88 euro.
Follow-up appointments during the day cost 76 euro and take approximately 45 minutes. Starting January 1th this will be 78 euro.
Follow-up appointments in the evening (starting 6 pm or later) cost 86 euro and take approximately 45 minutes. Starting January 1th this will be 88 euro.
Ear acupuncture consultations for smoking cessation cost 52 euro and take about 30 minutes. Starting January 1th this will be 53 euro.
The first consultation for children (< 12 years) costs 76 euro and takes about 45 minutes. Starting January 1th this will be 78 euro.
Follow-up appointment for children (< 12 years) costs 52 euro and takes about 30 minutes. Starting January 1th this will be 53 euro.
Most health insurers reimburse my consultations in whole or in part. For more information, see Reimbursement.
You can view, reschedule or cancel an appointment at any time up to one and a half days in advance via the online agenda. If you do not come to an appointment or do not cancel in time (more than 36 hours in advance), you must pay the full amount. See also the Terms and Conditions.